'Akelei is a band from the Netherlands, based in the province of North-Brabant. The group is born in the spring of 2006, after a meeting between Misha and Ward. They share ambitions to write emotional and atmospheric music. The first year many ideas are shared and recorded, then worked out into proper songs. The first demo is out in 2008, presenting 4 songs of atmospheric doom metal. A steady line-up comes together in early 2009 and the year is subsequently spent on stage while also writing new songs. Studio recordings for the band’s debut album take place during February and March of 2010. The resulting full-length, entitled ‘De Zwaarte van het Doorstane’, is self-released in the autumn, at the ninth Dutch Doom Days festival. The band is currently working to play more gigs and continues to write songs!'- akelei.org Refreshing doom from the Netherlands. For fans of Ahab, Colosseum, Asunder,... but with a more clean, theatrical approach to the vocal parts. This forms a great con...