Serpentcult - Raised By Wolves (2011)

Another highly anticipated album around here. 'Raised By Wolves', Serpentcults latest addition in the abyss of dark & distinct doom. A short history lesson for all the newcomers;

'Serpentcult' originally started back in '98 as 'Thee Plague Of Gentlemen'. TPOG released their latest work (& only full-length) in 2005: 'Primula Pestis'. This album created a cult following due to it's massive & extreme approach to the genre (quite colossal for the tiny Belgium). TPOG created an utterly heavy & deep sound, influenced by all the good stuff. In 2006 the band split up as a result of the arrestation of one of the band members. Finally, in 2007 'Serpentcult' (originally the name of TPOG's second full-length) was a fact with their debut EP 'Trident Nor Fire'. Formed by the remaining members of TPOG & Michelle Nocon as the new vocalist. The unique combination of female vocals & crushing doom was a succes that lead to Lee Dorrian's Rise Above Records and the birth of 'Weight Of Light'. in 2010 Michelle left the band & Serpentcult moved on to yet another direction.

Raised By Wolves takes us on a dark, instrumentally focused journey. It's crushing, emotional, atmospheric & dynamic. The power of Thee Plague Of Gentlemen & the soul of Serpentcult. This is also a highly original take on the genre, I kept coming back to the sound because it's so immersive & just 'different'. Think of it as barbaric doom for strategists.

This album certainly has the balls & potential to end in my top 10 list of 2011. Last year we had the mighty Sardonis, now the fresh return of Ghent's Serpentcult. This is another fine offering that makes me a proud Belgian blogger, get it!

Physical needs: Listenable Records/ All That Is Heavy




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