Tank86/ Sardonis Giveaway! - Winners

More than 100 answers from all over the world, filled with outstanding poetry, straightforwardness and random hilarity. I absolutely love you guys for all these wonderful contributions. I made a small group of answers I enjoyed the most & randomly selected 3 winners;

Why would you want to have the new Tank86/ Sardonis split?

"To drown out the incessant samba music that plays every day in my neighborhood."

-Dan, San Francisco

"I would love the split for my cousin who currently resides in China. He was the one who introduced me to stoner rock in the first place some years ago through a selfmade compilation of Kyuss, Qotsa, Los Natas, Fu manchu, Dozer and the likes. But like I said he now lives in China, and so the music availability is slighty more..uhm..awkward, with youtube and  blogspot and so on not being available over there. However I had made a disc for him this christmas featuring select samples from, amongst other stuff, a lot of goodies from stonerobixxx. He went  back to China and a few days later I got a message saying "I love this shit! Especially Sahara Surfers, Mountain Witch and Tank 86!! Damn I think  I love you a little bit more now cousin!!". And I just got a mail from him the other day saying that plane tickets had  gone up quite heavily lately, so he wouldn't be able to get home this summer, so what would be better than to send him a purdy piece of Tank 86 vinyl to band-aid the pain of being stuck in China through summer?"
-Kyrre, Norway

"When I have an exam or a big test and I can't concentrate, I put on some music. And guess what! Not the first best, but always Sardonis! Their music inspires me and helps me get through my subject matter. So thank you Sardonis for the good grades! I hope to see you guys at my graduation!"

-Annelies, Belgium

Rifftastic congratulations!

Special thanks to Sardonis & Tank86.


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