Uzala - Uzala (2012)

Formed in the summer of 2009, this young band from Portland, Oregon brings us an interesting form of dark, psychedelic doom. Uzala creates a thick wall of haunting, eerie & highly atmospheric sludge/ doom. Following in the footsteps of Cough, Windhand, Acid King & Jex Toth. A highly immersive and interesting take on the genre, filled with various influences. Get this!

Much like Jex Thoth, Witch Mountain, Sabbath Assembly or Windhand, Uzala's doom takes advantage of soaring and sorrowful female vocals to reach back to doom metal's roots in the blues. While guitarist/vocalist Darcy Nutt's haunting vocals and melodicism are compelling enough to keep Uzala's new-vintage sound interesting, the band throws a wrench into the preceedings by counter-balancing those vocals with the death-grunts of guitarist Chad Remains. Simple yet well-executed songwriting and riffs keep the band's debut in a fresh Sabbath-ian light, never retreading well-travelled paths or falling into self-parody.

Physical needs: At War With False Noise (LP)

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