Awooga - V Column (2011)

'Awooga started in late 2008 jamming away in a cold little decrepit practice room in Sheffield city centre across from a 86 year old Master Steel Forger who once made knives for Bill Clinton and Elvis Presley. No lie, he showed us the photos. Our sound is heavy, melodic and atmospheric. It's a bit proggy and we have been told " you guys sound like a star exploding". Have a listen. We have played with some really good bands in the past and still do now such as Saviours, Kruger, Downslide, and many more that we have been privileged to share bills with in the past.'

Refreshing grooves from Sheffield, UK. Awooga brings forth a rather eerie mix of alternative prog & post-metal. I would recommend this album to anyone who is looking for a more versatile and clean sound in the genre. V Column is a highly accessible record and I'm sure alot of listeners will appreciate the progressive spaced-out sound on here. Check it out. Love it, hate it, spread the word!

'V Column' will be released somewhere in July, visit Awooga's myspace for more info. Thanks to the band for contributing!

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